Louxor deux jours de voyage de hurghada

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A partir de EUR 235

+3 Options additionnelles

Profitez des excursions privées de 2 jours à Louxor depuis Hurghada, où vous visiterez le temple de Louxor, le temple de Karnak, puis enregistrez dans votre hôtel. Le lendemain, visite de la vallée des rois, du temple d'Hatchepsout, du colosse de Memnon, puis retour à Hurghada.

A partir de EUR 235

+3 Options additionnelles

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 Day 1: Hurghada- Luxor 

 Early morning, we will pick you up from your hotel in Hurghada by a private A.C. Car to be transferred to Luxor for an overnight trip to Luxor from Hurghada. Upon arrival you will meet your private tour guide who will join you to visit:

Karnak Temple:

 No site in Egypt is more impressive than Karnak. It is the largest temple complex ever built by man and represents the combined achievement of many generations of ancient builders and pharoahs. The Temple of Karnak is actually three main temples, smaller enclosed temples, and several outer temples situated on 247 acres of land.

Luxor Temple:

 The Temple of Luxor was the center of the most important festival, the festival of Opet. Built largely by Amenhotep III and Rameses II, the temple's purpose was as a setting for the rituals of the festival. The festival was to reconcile the human aspect of the ruler with the divine office. Lunch will be served in a local restaurant, then you will check in 3 hotel, On the evening there is an optional tour to the sound and Light show in

Karnak temple

(Optional)Sound and Light Show at Karnak:

 The show starts with a historical introduction covering the birth of the great city of Thebes and erection of the Karnak Temple. 
The show narrates the glorious achievements of some great Pharaohs as you listen to a magnificent and poetic description of the artistic treasures and great legacy which the Karnak temple encloses. Overnight at 3 Hot

Day2: Luxor - Hurghada

Breakfast at your hotel then you will be accompanied by your private tour guide and a private air-conditioned vehicle to visit: 

Valley of the Kings:

The final resting place of Egypt's rulers from the 18th to the 20th dynasty, it is home to tombs including the great pharaoh Ramses II and boy pharaoh Tutankhamen. The tombs were well stocked with all the material goods a ruler might need in the next world. Most of the decoration inside the tombs still well preserved.

Hatshepsut Temple:

It is one of the most beautiful & best preserved of all of the temples of Ancient Egypt. The temple was built on three levels with two wide ramps in a central position joining the levels together.

Colossi of Memnon:

Two massive stone statues of king Amenhotep III are the only remains of a complete mortuary temple. The statues are made from blocks of quartzite sandstone which exist in Cairo then moved 700 KM to Luxor
Have your lunch on a Nile View restaurant before we drive you back to your hotel in Hurghada.


Points forts

  • Profitez d'un voyage privé de 2 jours à Louxor depuis Hurghada où vous visiterez les hautes lumières de la ville de Louxor 

  • Temple de Louxor

  • Temple de Karnak,

  • Vallée des rois

  • Temple d'Hatchepsout

  • Colosses de Memnon

    Inclus :

    * Hébergement dans un hôtel 3 * avec petit-déjeuner, hôtel Lotus
    * Visite du temple d'Hatchepsout et de la vallée des rois.
    * Visite au temple de Karnak et au temple de Louxor.
    * Service de guide professionnel.
    * Shopping à travers les célèbres bazars.
    * Une assistance de notre personnel lors de visites
    * De l'eau en bouteille pendant votre voyage.
    * Service de ramassage à votre hôtel et retour.
    * Déjeuner dans un restaurant de qualité
    * Guide touristique privé parlant anglais mais guide francophone seulement pour 20 euros supplémentaires par jour
    * Tous les transferts en véhicule climatisé

    Exclu :

    * îner à Louxor
    * Boissons au restaurant
    * Pourboires et dépenses personnellesInclus


  1. Hurghada (EG)